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Project Description

Championed by CSAW Postbac Fellow Naurica Encarnación, the Surveying Soil project seeks to raise awareness and provide opportunities for the Atlanta community to secure healthy soils. Building off the landmark Superfund designation in the Westside of Atlanta, this project involves technical analysis of soil for heavy metals and community-based input. 

CSAW x Saikawa Lab soilSHOPs

Soil Screening, Health, Outreach, and Partnership (soilSHOP) events are FREE opportunities to get your soil—from gardens, outdoor play areas, etc.—analyzed for lead. Originating with the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), soilSHOP events can be found around the country.  Read more about upcoming soilSHOPs with the Saikawa Lab happening around Atlanta below. 


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Surveying Soil

Pictured is Dr. Eri Saikawa presenting at Trees Atlanta

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